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Concrete Wall

Water Treatment Project Support

The aim of this project was to investigate and resolve issues that had arisen with an existing water treatment system. These issues included:

  • The rupturing of a distribution main from a well.

  • The failure of one of the pumps feeding the treatment plant.

  • The detection of organic build-up in the media filters, which necessitated a detailed analysis of the water, as well as extensive trial and sampling work.

This analysis determined that the water had a relatively high fouling index, which the trials suggested could be minimised by the addition of chlorine dioxide dosing and the use of an alternative filter media in the multi-media filters.

The Aims

1.  To maintain the current system output – the well pumping and distribution system and the water treatment plant required upgrades to mitigate the risk of lost savings from a well pump failure. In addition, the media filtration system needed to be modified to prevent the loss of media from the existing backwashing process and to improve the fouling index of the well water being introduced to the RO Plant. Along with a consequent improvement on plant downtime and membrane change-out frequency.
2.  To improve the security of supply from the well water plant, to cope with any future risks that could arise, including seasonal changes in the water quality from the well by installing chlorine dioxide dosing to feed water and sodium bisulphite dosing to treat the water for residual chlorine reduction upstream of the RO membranes.

The Solution

  • The installation of 3 new deep well pumps (~30, -35m deep).

  • The installation of a new well water pipe main from the well to the water treatment plant.

  • The installation of a chlorine dioxide dosing system to reduce organic build up in the pre-treatment media filters.

  • The replacement of existing media in pre-treatment media filtration with new AFM glass media.

  • The installation of sodium bisulphite dosing to treat residual chlorine upstream of the RO membranes.  


The success of the project has led to the opportunity for the use of the well water treatment system to water from other sources on site and to reduce overall site water usage.

Fixing a Pipe - Stock Img
Cider Tanks - FDT
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